
We've added better support for custom schemas. AI-generated queries that reference tables from schemas with names other than public now actually include the correct schema name in the query. For example, a users table in the datawarehouse schema was previously simply referenced by "users", which made the generated query not work out of the box in some scenarios. From now on, that table would be referenced by "data_warehouse"."users".

July 8th, 2023

Users have been asking us for a way to see their past prompts on Avanty. Today, we launched this feature as part of a new 'History' tab, where you can see your generated queries, your edit suggestions and explanations of SQL queries that you made through the Avanty extension. To have a look yourself, head to

Screenshot of the new History page

You can now open a support chat session, navigate to our documentation, or send us feedback about Avanty straight from the browser extension itself! Plus, version 1.0.10 adds new functionality for logged-out users and shows a warning when trying to use Avanty on a database that has been disabled in the dashboard.

June 13th, 2023

Today, we launched an initial version of our documentation site! You can check it out at Currently, it comes with a guide on writing great prompts for Avanty, as well as some technical guidance for privacy settings & more.

Screenshot of the new Avanty documentation page

Improved query editing

Starting today, Avanty users have an easier way of making changes to their SQL queries using AI. With an inline diff-viewer, you can quickly see what changes Avanty suggests, and accept / replace them accordingly.

The new query editing feature in action

Improved command panel

Introducing a new command panel, which makes it easier & faster to use the Avanty browser extension. With one click (or one keyboard shortcut), open the command panel to generate SQL queries, edit your current query, get step-by-step explanations of your code, and more.

The command panel can be opened with Cmd Shift . on macOS, and Ctrl Shift . on Windows. Then, tab through the options using the arrow keys and select one with Enter.

April 19th, 2023

We made it easier to get support for Avanty. You can now use an in-app chat widget that connects you directly to our founder Jan. Feel free to tell us about any feedback & thoughts you might have!

April 11th, 2023

Starting from version 0.0.9 of the Avanty Chrome extension, you will see a more polished menu when clicking on the extension's logo in your browser. The new menu features shows you your auth status and allows you to log out, report bugs or give us feedback, and gives you a link to go straight to your workspace's settings.

Left: new options menu, Right: new onboarding screen for first-time users

April 9th, 2023

Preview: Slack Integration

Introducing Avanty's Slack integration in preview today! Easily find matching Metabase questions for your Slack messages with just a click. No more manual searching for relevant questions in Metabase.

For instance, when Alice asks about the number of orders from France last month, simply click "Find or generate question" on the Avanty Slack integration. Avanty will search your Metabase instance for relevant questions. If none match, it will generate an AI-generated draft in Metabase that's ready for review by data scientists.

We will be launching this feature with select companies at first, and roll it out to a wider audience later. Please get in touch if you're interested in trying this out!